Saturday, December 31, 2011

Enroute to Entebbe

These are some of the pictures that I took while travelling to Entebbe from Brussells on 26 November 2011.
Mountain range in southern Europe.  Am still trying to figure out which one.

First Class in an Air Brussells Airbus

Two of my fellow Canadians, Morgan Hladik and Dave Scholtz

Fellow guests at the hotel in Entebbe.  Big signs said don't feed the monkeys but I saw hotel staff feeding them

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas in Juba

Here are some pictures from our Christmas Dinner at Canada House in Juba, Republic of South Sudan.

Jeff carving our very lean free-range turkey

Facing North

Facing South

Jeff and Dan

Santa Tracey

Johanne and Chris, our very service oriented National Support Element

Sunday, December 25, 2011

First Blog

Okay, folks.  Here is my first post.  After this I am no longer a virgin blogger.  

It's Christmas Day in Juba, South Sudan. I am staying at Canada House with three other people and we are getting ready to receive about 20 other Canadians from various government and non-government organizations for Christmas dinner.  I'll post some pictures later. I'm happy to be working here right now but I do miss my all of my family, both immediate and extended. 

I haven't figure out how to change the date/time settings yet.  The system is going to say that I'm posting this sometime on Christmas eve but it is actually almost 9 AM on Christmas day here.  Hope all is well with everyone.  I'll post more pictures later. Right now I have to go clean bathrooms and mop floors.  

Canada House. My room is on the first floor.

My grocery store: VAMP

The street leading up to Canada House

Canada House is on the right, by the water tower.